Erimasinad strives to constantly develop its activities, taking into account three main principles:
High quality of products and services,
Safe work,
Environmental protection.
We monitor, measure and improve the effectiveness of our integrated Management System, that is certified in accordance with ISO9001, ISO45001 and ISO14001.
Our personnel is motivated to take personal responsibility for the quality performance of their duties, safe work and careful attitude to the environment.
Moreover we take care of local environment and resource availability for the future generations. Since year 2018 Erimasinad has installed Solar panel park with 230 kW capacity and planted over 6000 trees in Saaremaa Municipality.

Perioodil 08.03.2021 kuni 09.07.2021 viiakse Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi kaasrahastamisel ellu projekt EU60967 „Keevisõmbluste katsed“. Projekt sai tuge EAS-i Innovatsiooniosakute toetusmeetmest. Projekti eesmärk on uurida kas projekteeritud metall konstruktsiooni keevisliited vastavad standardile EN ISO 15614.
Erimasinad OÜ sai toetust Digitaliseerimise Teekaardi toetusmeetmest. Projekti raames 15.08.2022 – 31.03.2023 koostati digitaliseerimise teekaart. Toetuse suuruseks oli 9 590 eurot, projekti toetas Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond.