Experience you can trust
Among our Clients are: the largest ports in Scandinavia and the Baltics, public authorities, infrastructure development companies, technology providers for pulp and paper, mining and crushing, energy and other industries.
Below you will find brief showcase of our projects performed in the years 2014-2022.
2021-2022: Parking House Steelwork in Malmö, Sweden

2020-2021: Passenger Boarding Bridges in Port of Tallinn

2014-nowadays: Conveyors, Elevators, Various Machinery

2014-nowadays: Steel Frames and Other Constructions

2014-nowadays: Hall Structures

2018-2019: Marieholm and Tingstad Marinas in Gothenburg

2019: Railway station in Turba, Estonia

2017-2019: Steelwork for Stockholm Norvik Hamn

2018-2019: Steel Ramp in Strömstad, Sweden

2016-2017 Passenger Boarding Bridges in Port of Helsinki

2015-2016: Passenger Escalator Modules in Port of Tallinn

Perioodil 08.03.2021 kuni 09.07.2021 viiakse Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi kaasrahastamisel ellu projekt EU60967 „Keevisõmbluste katsed“. Projekt sai tuge EAS-i Innovatsiooniosakute toetusmeetmest. Projekti eesmärk on uurida kas projekteeritud metall konstruktsiooni keevisliited vastavad standardile EN ISO 15614.
Erimasinad OÜ sai toetust Digitaliseerimise Teekaardi toetusmeetmest. Projekti raames 15.08.2022 – 31.03.2023 koostati digitaliseerimise teekaart. Toetuse suuruseks oli 9 590 eurot, projekti toetas Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond.